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hong kong

through the eyes of a kiwi, making a new home in the fragrant harbour

final 2022 travels

final 2022 travels

Thank goodness hotel quarantine is gone and WOW it feels good, finally free to arrive in HK and just go home from the airport, no fanfare, no fuss. This meant the ability to cram in some travel plans and spend Christmas travelling - woop! First off a work trip to Singapore, enjoying the street art and the gardens. Then a spontaneous weekend trip to London, which extended into a few days working from Switzerland and visiting friends and family before we missioned to our Christmas spot, Jeju Island. Good friends of ours moved there in August so we were stoked to be able to stay with them, catch up and see some local sights. We landed at some ungodly hour on Christmas morning and after changing into our Christmas jumpers were whisked straight off to a Christmas brunch, the hosts had kids so there was all sorts of new toy joy around and lots of booze and food. After we’d recoved suitably from Christmas we packed up and headed to the other side of Jeju island to stay in an AirBnB and explore that part of the island, sadly it was freezing cold but luckily the sun was mostly out, we hiked up some hills for views, drove along the coast to find waterfalls and dried sqiud, ate plenty of korean classics and enjoyed some quality time, one of our friends was pretty sick while we were there (first trimester nausea) so we kept a quiet pace and it was a super relaxing break. Arriving back at 10pm on New Years Eve, we saw in 2023 with a bowl of popcorn and a movie on the roof.

This somewhat whirlwind adventure, whilst great, was a bit too much in all honesty, (I think my travel muscles are not yet back at full strength) and it was nice to have minimal travel plans on the cards for a bit. Just a wedding in India late Janury, and a 40th birthday in Vietnam to take us through til mid April.



banks track

banks track