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hong kong

through the eyes of a kiwi, making a new home in the fragrant harbour

friends + street art

friends + street art

Old friends are hard to beat, and one of my oldest (23 years and counting…) came to visit with her lovely wee family (adding HK to the end of their Japan trip). We didn’t have enough space to host them so they stayed a suburb over in an airbnb, which gave them a good taste of HK living as it was rather on the un-spacious side!

We started off with an awesome Indonesian meal at Kaum on the first night - thanks to mother-in-law looking after the wee ones. We started the next morning with a trip to the epic Hong Kong Park, having discovered this place when friends with a baby visited early in the year, this place is made for toddlers. A rainbow playground, aviary, fish ponds and plenty of space to run around kept us entertained for a while. I sadly had to head off to work but they managed to squeeze in a ride on the star ferry, around nap time. We had another nice meal out that night before bed time was calling.

Next day we started with an early morning mission up the peak, getting up at toddler-wake up meant beating the crowds, so we had nearly a whole tram car to ourselves - very luxurious. We were up there so early that nothing was really open, so we wandered a bit for some more views then chilled on the grass while we waited for the egg-bubble-waffle place to open, so we could all try the iconic treat.

I then got to steal my friend for the afternoon to hang without the kids a little bit, we wandered down from the peak and through the city discovering crazy amounts of street art and catching up on life and the world. So good for the soul!

We got in one last meal together with the whole crew, then some swimming at our apartment complex pool the next morning before they jumped on a flight back to NZ.

end of summer

end of summer

mamas back again

mamas back again