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hong kong

through the eyes of a kiwi, making a new home in the fragrant harbour

maclehose trail

maclehose trail

There are 4 big trails in Hong Kong: the HK trail (50km), the Lantau trail (70km, finally completed in March 2023), the Wilson trail (78km), and the big one Maclehose Trail (100km). I plan to complete all 4 but was under no illusion that I could do Maclehose all in one go, especially coming off an injury from netball. So I decided to do it in order, spread over 5 or 6 weekends so it would be enjoyable, not just brutal. I kicked off with it in early January and was excited to finally complete it at the start of April.

It’s a gorgeous hike as you can see from the pics below, lots of tough climbs but with great views to reward it, except for the stage when we climbed the highest peak in HK but were enveloped by cloud and saw nothing haha. I’m a bit OCD with things like this so I am grateful to my patient hiking buddies who humored me when I needed to go hunt for the exact trail, or walk back and repeat a piece where we’d cut a corner accidentally. It was super satisfying to get it done, just got ol’ Wilson to go now!



