junk-boat-hong-kong-harbour (1).jpg

hong kong

through the eyes of a kiwi, making a new home in the fragrant harbour

Quarantine Day 9

Quarantine Day 9

Gorgeous sunny day today, nice to see some blue sky, and everyone I talked to sounded just that little bit happier! Very busy day at work today with everyone getting things wrapped up before the long weekend.

I had quite the epic food day today:

  • ham and cheese white bread warm (not toasted) sandwiches for breakfast which I smothered in avocado - yum

  • spaghetti with a rather sweet but good mince-ish sauce thing for lunch - pretty good and happy it isn’t rice

  • delivery of alllll the goodness from my lovely friend - Chocolate, Chips, Fruit, Nuts - SO exciting to get a parcel of such deliciousness - she’s a keeper

  • (let’s ignore dinner…. i ate packet noodles instead)

Latest news from the hospital - still testing positive but viral load has decreased and he’s being tested again tomorrow already, so will be keeping fingers and toes crossed a little longer. He doesn’t actually have his roommate from before in with him before, he’s across the corridor in another room. He’s in with 3 students who were studying in England and came home to HK already infected, poor kids + one other person. He is also getting a bit sick of all the rice, so yesterday he asked if, for one meal, he could please have no rice, he has now received only spaghetti since, including for breakfast! Careful what you wish for…

Quarantine Day  10

Quarantine Day 10

Quarantine Day 8

Quarantine Day 8