junk-boat-hong-kong-harbour (1).jpg

hong kong

through the eyes of a kiwi, making a new home in the fragrant harbour

i miss travel

i miss travel

Somehow it is September already, and the last time I traveled outside of Hong Kong was February (ok technically it was March but flying to Switzerland then learning the quarantine rules had changed and turning around and flying back on literally the same plane barely counts!) but…

I am so glad we snuck in that weekend birthday trip to Bangkok before sh*t got truly crazy.

I feel lucky that we got two wonderful visits from friends in January and February.

I am extremely grateful for our spontaneous 2nd trip to NZ (especially as it is hard to know when I will be able to get back to New Zealand without expensive and long quarantine requirements).

I am also grateful that 2019 was so packed with travels…

Thankfully between waves of Covid cases here (and apart from the ol’ quarantine/hospitalisation situation) we have had quite a lot of freedom (judging by global 2020 standards). We’ve staycationed, hiked and eaten our way around the city, as and when regulations were favourable - trying to recreate that traveling vibe. It’s OK, but it ain’t the same.

I miss travel.

HK adventures:



lamb rump, beer + freedom

lamb rump, beer + freedom